myWMS LOS offers Java RMI OOP Remote Services, available via jndi look up and Web Services.

Web Services

For connecting non-Java third party software - commonly ERP systems - to myWMS LOS the application offers ready-to-use Web Services.

At the moment these services are comprised. To retrieve the wsdl for the Web Service follow the wsdl link or the attachments to this page.

If you have running a myWMS LOS system you can retrieve the wsdl online, e.g. for retrieving the wsdl for the ERPQueryInventoryService type this url in your browser's address field:


losserver stands for your server where the application server is running. Web Service and wsdl are secured by basic authentification so you have to provide a valid myWMS User of Role and a password.


Web Service
Hosted by
OrderServicemyWMSService for ordering items from stock. wsdl(info)
ManageItemDataServicemyWMSService for managing material related data, e.g. creating new item data.wsdl(info)
QueryInventoryServicemyWMSService for retrieving inventory data, e.g. 'how many items of material xy are available on stock?' from WMSwsdl(info)
ManageAdviceSerivemyWMSService for the goods receipt process.wsdl(info)
ERPQueryInventoryServiceERPService to be called from myWMS to retrieve inventory related data from ERPwsdl(info)

Tipp: In Jboss, available Web Services are listed in the JBoss web-console.



Tipp: For testing Web Services you can let JBoss generate some webservice client artifacts:

C:\jboss\bin>wsconsume.bat -s c:\linogistix.los-ejb\test\ -p -o C:\linogistix.los-ejb\test\de\linogistix\los\inventory\ws\jaxwsgen -k GoodsReceiptBean.wsdl
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