Code Style
The code style follows the Java Code Conventions:
Naming convention for variables and types: names should be longer than one character (except loop variables) and self-explanatory.
Eclispe warnings should be eliminated (like infere generic type warnings)
Each Class must contain the following java doc elements:
- Source code (variable names, class names, ..) must be in English
- Documentation preferrable in English or any other language (code review during relaese???)
- A description of the class
- Copyright note
- the author of the class
- method documentation must be written if the method is public and complex
JavaDoc Class Template
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 by LinogistiX GmbH. * All rights reserved. * */ package org.mywms; /** * This class declares the service for the entity * Client. * * @see org.mywms.service.BasicService#get(String) * @author Andreas Trautmann * @version $Revision: 564 $ provided by $Author: atrautmann $ */ public class ClientService extends BasicService<Client> { }
Eclipse Tags
- TODO (Eclipse Default)
- FIXME (Eclipse Default)
- NICE (To be created in Eclipse with priority low)
- TRANSLATE (To be created in Eclipse with priority low)